Author: kongres

Krzysztof A. Makowski


Polish lands in the period of partitions, with the focus on demographic issues, socio-economic history, social mobility and migration processes, history of women and family; national relations in Poland in the 19th and 20th century, in particular the history of German and Jewish people, as well as the Polish-German-Jewish relations, notion of identity, consciousness and historical memory in Poland in the 19th and 20th century; historiography and source studies of the 19th and 20th century.


  • Od Zjazdu w Łodzi do Zjazdu w Szczecinie. Bilans badań nad dziejami szlachty i ziemiaństwa na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku [From the Congress in Łódź to the Congress in Szczecin. Evaluation of Research on the History of the Nobility and Landed Gentry in the Polish Lands in the 19th Century], Warszawa 2017 (ed., with K. Karolczak)
  • Dzieje kobiet w Polsce. Dyskusja wokół przyszłej syntezy[History of Women in Poland. A Discussion about a Future Handbook], Poznan 2014
  • Approaches to Slavic Unity: Austro-Slavism, Pan-Slavism, Neo-Slavism, and Solidarity Among the Slavs Today, Poznan 2013 (ed., with F. Hadler)
  • Słowianie – idea i rzeczywistość. Zbiór studiów[The Slaves – Idea and Reality. Collected Studies], Poznan 2013 (ed., with M. Saczyńska)
  • Dwa życia jak dwa psalmy. Historia mówiona Leona i Toshy Jedwab opowiedziana Evie Urbach [Two Lives as Two Psalms. An Oral History Told to Eva Urbach by Leon and Tosha Jedwab], Poznan 2012 (ed.)
  • Aktywność kobiet w organizacjach zawodowych i gospodarczych w XIX i XX wieku [The Activity of Women in Professional and Economic Organizations in the 19th and 20th Centuries], Poznan 2007 (ed.)
  • O nowy model historycznych badań regionalnych [On a New Model of Researching Regional History], Poznan 2007 (ed.)
  • Siła mitu. Żydzi w Poznańskiem w dobie zaborów w piśmiennictwie historycznym [The Power of Myth. Jews in Posnania During the Era of the Polish Partitions in Historical Writing], Poznan 2004
  • Mechanizmy zamorskich migracji łańcuchowych w XIX wieku: Polacy, Niemcy, Żydzi, Rusini. Zarys problemu [Mechanisms of the Overseas Chain Migrations in the 19th Century: Poles, Germans, Jews, Ruthinians. An Outline], Cracow 2004 (with D. Praszałowicz, A.A. Zięba)
  • Samomodernizacja społeczeństw w XIX wieku. Irlandczycy, Czesi, Polacy [Self-Modernization of Societies in the 19th Century: the Irish, Czechs and Poles], Poznan 1999 (ed., with L. Trzeciakowski)
  • Die Posener Familie 1815-1848, Lüneburg 1996


  • International Committee of Historical Sciences (member of the board)
  • Committee of Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (member of the board)
  • Commission Internationale des Études Historiques Slaves
  • Polish Association for Jewish Studies
  • International Commission of Historical Demography
  • Polish Historical Society
  • Poznan Society of Friends of Sciences

Maciej Michalski


History of the Middle Ages; hagiography and the cult of saints; history of women; history of private life; medievalism in contemporary culture and culture of the Early Modern Period; shaping the national and ethnic identity in the 19th century.


  • Tolkien – mit, historia, literatura. Eseje i studia [Tolkien – Myth, History, Literature. Essays and Studies], Poznan 2016 (ed., with Z. Kopeć, P. Matusik)
  • Dawni Słowianie w tradycji polskiej pierwszej połowy XIX wieku. W poszukiwaniu tożsamości wspólnotowej [Ancient Slavs in the Polish Tradition of the First Half of the 19th century. Searching for the Group Identity], Poznan 2013
  • Oblicza miediewalizmu [Faces of Medievalism], Poznan 2013 (ed., with A. Dąbrówka)
  • Kobiety i świętość w żywotach trzynastowiecznych księżnych polskich [Women and Sanctity in the Lives of the Thirteenth-Century Polish Princesses], Poznan 2004


  • Polish Historical Society
  • Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences

Maciej Michalski


History of the Middle Ages; hagiography and the cult of saints; history of women; history of private life; medievalism in contemporary culture and culture of the Early Modern Period; shaping the national and ethnic identity in the 19th century.


  • Tolkien – mit, historia, literatura. Eseje i studia [Tolkien – Myth, History, Literature. Essays and Studies], Poznan 2016 (ed., with Z. Kopeć, P. Matusik)
  • Dawni Słowianie w tradycji polskiej pierwszej połowy XIX wieku. W poszukiwaniu tożsamości wspólnotowej [Ancient Slavs in the Polish Tradition of the First Half of the 19th century. Searching for the Group Identity], Poznan 2013
  • Oblicza miediewalizmu [Faces of Medievalism], Poznan 2013 (ed., with A. Dąbrówka)
  • Kobiety i świętość w żywotach trzynastowiecznych księżnych polskich [Women and Sanctity in the Lives of the Thirteenth-Century Polish Princesses], Poznan 2004


  • Polish Historical Society
  • Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences

Krzysztof A. Makowski


Polish lands in the period of partitions, with the focus on demographic issues, socio-economic history, social mobility and migration processes, history of women and family; national relations in Poland in the 19th and 20th century, in particular the history of German and Jewish people, as well as the Polish-German-Jewish relations, notion of identity, consciousness and historical memory in Poland in the 19th and 20th century; historiography and source studies of the 19th and 20th century.


  • Od Zjazdu w Łodzi do Zjazdu w Szczecinie. Bilans badań nad dziejami szlachty i ziemiaństwa na ziemiach polskich w XIX wieku [From the Congress in Łódź to the Congress in Szczecin. Evaluation of Research on the History of the Nobility and Landed Gentry in the Polish Lands in the 19th Century], Warszawa 2017 (ed., with K. Karolczak)
  • Dzieje kobiet w Polsce. Dyskusja wokół przyszłej syntezy [History of Women in Poland. A Discussion about a Future Handbook], Poznan 2014
  • Approaches to Slavic Unity: Austro-Slavism, Pan-Slavism, Neo-Slavism, and Solidarity Among the Slavs Today, Poznan 2013 (ed., with F. Hadler)
  • Słowianie – idea i rzeczywistość. Zbiór studiów [The Slaves – Idea and Reality. Collected Studies], Poznan 2013 (ed., with M. Saczyńska)
  • Dwa życia jak dwa psalmy. Historia mówiona Leona i Toshy Jedwab opowiedziana Evie Urbach [Two Lives as Two Psalms. An Oral History Told to Eva Urbach by Leon and Tosha Jedwab], Poznan 2012 (ed.)
  • Aktywność kobiet w organizacjach zawodowych i gospodarczych w XIX i XX wieku [The Activity of Women in Professional and Economic Organizations in the 19th and 20th Centuries], Poznan 2007 (ed.)
  • O nowy model historycznych badań regionalnych [On a New Model of Researching Regional History], Poznan 2007 (ed.)
  • Siła mitu. Żydzi w Poznańskiem w dobie zaborów w piśmiennictwie historycznym [The Power of Myth. Jews in Posnania During the Era of the Polish Partitions in Historical Writing], Poznan 2004
  • Mechanizmy zamorskich migracji łańcuchowych w XIX wieku: Polacy, Niemcy, Żydzi, Rusini. Zarys problemu [Mechanisms of the Overseas Chain Migrations in the 19th Century: Poles, Germans, Jews, Ruthinians. An Outline], Cracow 2004 (with D. Praszałowicz, A.A. Zięba)
  • Samomodernizacja społeczeństw w XIX wieku. Irlandczycy, Czesi, Polacy [Self-Modernization of Societies in the 19th Century: the Irish, Czechs and Poles], Poznan 1999 (ed., with L. Trzeciakowski)
  • Die Posener Familie 1815-1848, Lüneburg 1996


  • International Committee of Historical Sciences (member of the board)
  • Committee of Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (member of the board)
  • Commission Internationale des Études Historiques Slaves
  • Polish Association for Jewish Studies
  • International Commission of Historical Demography
  • Polish Historical Society
  • Poznan Society of Friends of Sciences

Michał Kolasiński

A graduate of Mikołaj Kopernik University in Toruń – international relations (2005), holds a PhD in history (2010). He took part in analytical projects at the Centre for Eastern Studies in Warsaw and Natolin European Centre in Warsaw. He is the author of publications and studies on international relations in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, both from a historic and modern perspective. Since September 2011 he has worked in the International Co-operation Office at the Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolska Region. He has been coordinating cooperation between the Wielkopolska region and partners from outside the EU, including the cooperation with the partners from the former Soviet Republics. He has co-authored and realized development projects for the Eastern partners. He is the coordinator of the internship program called “Wielkopolska Akademia Samorządności”, designed for the officials from the partner regions.


Educational institutions in Poznań offer a variety of activities for children (up to 7 years) and teenagers (7-15 years). City games organized by the TRAKT Tourist Culture Centre seem to be particularly interesting ( and the offer of Porta Posnania ICHOT ( ) is also worth considering. All activities, be it sport or educational, will be conducted in English.


The city centre is located just 2 km from Lake Malta. Near the lake there is Poland’s second largest zoological garden, an all-year ski slope, a swimming pool and sauna complex (Malta Thermal Baths rope parks. One can go bowling,  play billiards or mini golf on the lake shore or use a roller coaster and toboggan track. The area of the lake is frequented by cyclists, joggers and skaters.
There are four lakes within the city boundaries – Malta, Rusałka, Strzeszyn and Kiekrz – each offering swimming areas, beaches and active leisure facilities, which make them a perfect location for walkers, cyclists and water sports enthusiasts.


Academic libraries of the city of Poznań – the University Library, Kórnik Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Library of the Poznań Society of Friends of Sciences and the Raczyński Library, as well as the archives – The State Archive and The Archdiocesan Archive, will prepare a special offer for the Congress guests, who will have a chance to see some rare manuscripts and rare collections.
It is worth noting that The University Library has the largest collection of Masonic prints, whereas the  Library in Kórnik owns prints from the famous chess library of Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa.


There are a few dozen museums and historic sites in Poznań and its vicinity.  The following venues are worth recommending: The National Museum in Poznań ( with its interesting collections of art. Its other departments worth visiting are Museum of Applied Arts, Museum of the History of Poznań, Museum of Musical Instruments or Ethnography Museum (located in the building of the former Masonic Lodge); Archeological Museum (, Porta Posnania ICHOT (, Archdiocese Museum (


Enjoying local cuisine is a typical component of congress entertainment and, therefore, it is worth indicating that Poznań is an important stop on the culinary map of Poland. There are nearly 800 eat-out destinations in Poznań (316 restaurants, 156 cafes and over 300 bars and pubs). Restaurants offer  a variety of dishes of oriental, European,  vegan and vegetarian cuisine, as well as a great selection of traditional Polish dishes.

Bureau of the Congress



In specific cases, please contact the persons responsible for the relevant issues!


Registration, cancellation
Anna Paczos

International Affiliated Organizations
Prof. Katarzyna Balbuza

Poster Session
Prof. Agnieszka Jakuboszczak

Solidarity Fund
Prof. Lucyna Błażejczyk-Majka

Research Forum
Prof. Małgorzata Praczyk

Congress Program
Prof. Maciej Michalski




    Mariusz Wiśniewski

    He graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, where he studied law and political science. In the years 2006-2014 he was a councillor of the City of Poznan. He also worked as a sports journalist (1998-2000), chairman of the Independent Students’ Association (2001-2003), advisor to the Voivode of the Wielkopolska region (2008-2014), academic teacher (2012-2014), vice-president of Wielkopolska Regional Development and Promotion Fund (2014). In the period from 2008-2014 he was on the team of advisors to Piotr Florek, the Voivode of the Wielkopolska Region. He was engaged in organizing the 2008 United Nations Climate Change Conference and meetings related to the Polish Presidency in the EU which took place in Poznan in 2011. From 2003 to 2006 he worked in the Poznan City Council, where he was responsible for organizing and coordinating the student internship programme.

    Marek Woźniak

    He studied archaeology at the Faculty of History at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. He also graduated a post-graduate course in local authorities at the AMU Faculty of Law and Administration, as well as a post-graduate course in politics and local government at the AMU Faculty of Social Sciences. He has held the function of Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region for four terms, since October 2005. In the period from July 2006 to March 2007 and from October 2014 to June 2015 he was the chairman of the Convent of Marshals of Voivodeships of the Republic of Poland. He has held the function of the vice-chairman of the board of the Union of the Provinces of the Republic of Poland since February 2011. He was also honoured by the President of the Republic of Poland with many state decorations for civil service, such as the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta and Gold Cross of Merit.

    Andrzej Chwalba


    The social and cultural history of Poland and Europe in the 19th and 20th century.


    • 1914 –1918. An Anatomy of Global Conflict, Kraków 2014
    • Istorija na Trietaja Polska Republika [History of the Polish Third Republic], Sofia, 2012
    • Historia Powszechna 1989–2011 [Universal History 1989-2011], Warszawa 2011
    • Poljska Nakon Komunizma  (1989–2011) [Poland after Communism (1989-2011)], Zagreb 2011
    • Kurze Geschichte der Dritten Republik Polen 1989 bis 2005, Wiesbaden 2010
    • Collegium Maius. A History, Kraków 2010
    • Historia Powszechna: wiek XIX [Universal History: 19th Century], Warszawa 2009
    • Polsko 1989 –2008. Dejiny soucasnosti [Poland 1989-2008. Contemporary History], Brno 2009
    • Polen und der Osten. Texte zu einem spannungsreichen Verhältnis, Frankfurt am Main 2005 (ed.)
    • Historia Polski 1795–1918 [History of Poland 1795-1918], Kraków 2000


    • The Polish Historical Society (Vice-President)
    • Commission on History and Church History of The Polish Academy of Learning
    • Society of Friends of Science in Przemyśl

    Maciej Michalski


    History of the Middle Ages; hagiography and the cult of saints; history of women; history of private life; medievalism in contemporary culture and culture of the Early Modern Period; shaping the national and ethnic identity in the 19th century


    • Tolkien – mit, historia, literatura. Eseje i studia, Poznan 2016 [co-edited by Zbigniew Kopeć, Przemysław Matusik]
    • Dawni Słowianie w tradycji polskiej pierwszej połowy XIX wieku. W poszukiwaniu tożsamości wspólnotowej, Poznan 2013
    • Oblicza miediewalizmu, Poznan 2013 [co-edited by Andrzej Dąbrówka]
    • Kobiety i świętość w żywotach trzynastowiecznych księżnych polskich, Poznan 2004


    • The Polish Historical Society
    • The Committee on Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences

    Ewa Domańska


    Contemporary Anglo-American theory and the history of historiography, methodology of history, comparative theory of humanities and social sciences, the ecological humanities, studies on genocide and ecocide, dead body studies, non-European approaches to the past.


    • Nekros. Wprowadzenie do ontologii martwego ciała [Nekros. Introduction to ontology of a dead body], Warszawa 2017
    • Historia – dziś. Teoretyczne problemy wiedzy o przeszłości [History – Today. Theoretical problems of knowledge about the past], Cracow 2014 (ed., with Tomasz Wiślicz, Rafał Stobiecki
    • Historia egzystencjalna. Krytyczne studium narratywizmu i humanistyki zaangażowanej [Existential History. Critical Approach to Narrativism and Emancipatory Humanities], Warsaw 2012
    • Історія, гуманітаристика, сучасність. Дослідження з теорії знання про минуле [History, Humanities, Present: Studies in Theory of Historical Knowledge], Київ 2012
    • French Theory w Polsce [French Theory in Poland], Poznan 2010, (ed., with Mirosław Loba)
    • Re-Figuring Hayden White, Stanford 2009 (ed., with Frank Ankersmit, Hans Kellner)
    • Historie niekonwencjonalne. Refleksja o przeszłości w nowej humanistyce [Unconventional Histories. Reflections on the Past in the New Humanities], Poznan 2006
    • Encounters: Philosophy of History After Postmodernism, London 1998 (ed.)


    • International Commission of Theory and History of Historiography (president)
    • The Poznan Society of Friends of Sciences
    • The Historiographic Society
    • The Polish Historical Society
    • The Committee on Cultural Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences
    • The Committee on Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences

    Przemysław Matusik


    History of Poland, history of Wielkopolska in the 19th century; history of Organic Work; history of the Church in the 19th-20th century, religion and the modernization processes in the 19th and 20th century; history of ideas; Polish culture in the period of the Partitions of Poland; history of cities in the 19th and 20th century (especially the history of Poznan).


    • Kard. M. Ledóchowski, Listy wakacyjne. Wybór korespondencji kard. Mieczysława Ledóchowskiego z ks. Władysławem Meszczyńskim z lat 1887-1900 [Holiday Letters. Cardinal Mieczysław Ledóchowski’s Selected Correspondence with Rev. Władysław Meszczyński from the years 1887-1900, [in:] Kardynał nieznany/The Unknown Cardinal, ed. M. Pukianiec, Poznan 2015, pp. 59-101 (ed., with A. Kucharska, T. Rogoziński)
    • Cieszkowski a początki pracy organicznej w Poznańskiem [Cieszkowski and the Beginnings of the Organic Work in Posnania], [in:] August Cieszkowski in memoriam, ed. K. Meller, Poznan 2015, pp. 49-68
    • Moritz Jaffe, Poznań pod panowaniem pruskim [Poznan under the Prussian Rule], Poznan 2012 (ed.)
    • „Nadeszła epoka przejścia…” Nowoczesność w piśmiennictwie katolickim Poznańskiego 1836-1871 [“There Has Come the Epoch of Transition…” Modernity in the Catholic Writing in Posnania in 1836-1871], Poznan 2011
    • Stan badań nad dziejami Kościoła Poznańskiego w XIX wieku [The State of Research on the History of Posnanian Church in the 19th Century], [in:] Kościół Poznański w historiografii, ed. Rev. L. Wilczyński, Poznan 2009, pp. 135-177
    • „Obelisk der Geschichte oder überheblicher Halbgott” Otto von Bismarck im polnischen Diskurs 1862-1898, [in:] Otto von Bismarck im Spiegel Europas, ed. K. Hildebrandt, E. Kolb, Paderborn – München 2006, pp. 95-113
    • Religia i naród. Życie i myśl Jana Koźmiana 1814-1877 [Religion and Nation. Jan Koźmian’s Life and Thought 1814-1877], Poznań 1998


    • Poznan Society of Friends of Sciences (general secretary)

    Józef Dobosz


    Polish Church in the Middle Ages; the oldest history of  the documents in Poland; regionalism – Polish cities in the Middle Ages; Polish political and economic systems in the Middle Ages; biographical studies; the system of the ius ducale in Poland during the Piast Dynasty; Polish-Czech relations in the Central European context; history of Central Europe in the Middle Ages and Poland in the period of fragmentation.


    • Chrystianizacja Europy. Kościół na przełomie I i II tysiąclecia, [Christianisation of Europe. Church at the turn of First and Second Millenium], Poznań 2014 (ed., with J. Strzelczyk)
    • Kazimierz II Sprawiedliwy [Casimir II the Just], Poznań 2011, 2014
    • Stanisław Smolka, Mieszko Stary i jego wiek [Mieszko the Old and his age], Poznań 2011 (edition and epilog)
    • A. Demandt, Historia świata w zarysie [The History of the World: An Outline], Poznań 2010 (edition and epilog)
    • Stanisław Kętrzyński, Zarys nauki o dokumencie polskim wieków średnich [An outline of the study on the Polish document in the Middle Ages], Poznań 2008 (edition and introduction)
    • Monarcha i możni wobec Kościoła w Polsce do początku XIII wieku [The Attitude of the Monarch and the Oligarchy towards The Church in Poland until the beginning of the 13th Century], Poznań 2002
    • Działalność fundacyjna Kazimierza Sprawiedliwego [Founding activity of the Casimir the Just], Poznań 1995


    • Chair of the Council of the Museum of the Origins of the Polish State in Gniezno
    • The Polish Historical Society
    • The Polish-Czech Society of Friends of Sciences
    • The Poznan Society of Friends of Sciences

    Kazimierz Ilski


    The development of Christianity in the Balkans, especially in the region of the Lower Danube; the epoch of Theodosius II; political theology, ideology of power in late antiquity; ideas and values in the ethical and social systems; “natural history.”


    • Gods of Constantine, [in:] Within the Circle of Ancient Ideas and Virtues, ed. K. Twardowska et al., Kraków 2014, pp. 275—286
    • The Authority of Bishops in Classical Antiquity, [in:] Authority in the Past and Present. Sources and Social Functions, ed. K. Ilski, K. Marchlewicz, Poznań 2013, pp. 25-37.
    • Voelkerwanderung und Solidaritaet der Nationen (4./5. Jahrhundert), [in:] Migrationsprozesse und gesellschftlicher Wandel in der Geschichte, ed. P Kehne, P. Matusik, Poznań 2011, pp. 73-96
    • Idea jedności politycznej, społecznej i religijnej w świetle pism Ambrożego z Mediolanu [The Idea of Political, Social and Religious Unity in light of Ambrose of Milan’s Writings], Poznań 2001
    • “Andreia” (Tapferkeit) bei den frühen Christen, Wien 1998
    • Biskupi Mezji i Scytii IV – VI w. [The Bishops of Moesia and Scythia 4th-6th Century], Poznań 1995
    • Sobory w polityce religijnej Teodozjusza II [Councils in the Theodosius II’s religious policy], Poznań 1992


    • The Committee on Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences
    • The Poznan Society of Friends of Sciences
    • The Polish Historical Society

    Krzysztof Mikulski


    History of the Middle Ages and the Modern Period, especially social and economic history, history of towns and the burghers; auxiliary sciences of history.


    • Mikołaj Kopernik. Środowisko społeczne, pochodzenie i młodość [Nicolas Copernicus: Social environment, background and youth], Torun 2015
    • Tarcze herbowe z kościoła mariackiego w Toruniu [Escutcheons from the Saint Mary’s Church in Toruń], Warsaw 2015
    • Historia powszechna. Wiek XVI-XVIII [Universal History: 16th-18th Century], Warsaw 2011 (with J. Wijaczka)
    • Herbarz patrycjatu toruńskiego [Armorial of Toruń patriciate], t. I, Torun 2008; t. II, Torun 2015 (with K. Kopiński)
    • W pułapce niemożności. Społeczeństwo nowożytnego miasta wobec procesów modernizacyjnych (na przykładzie Torunia w XVII-XVIII w.) [In Trap of Impossibility: Society of the Modern City and Modernization Processes (on the example of Torun in 17th-18th Century], Torun 2004
    • Przestrzeń i społeczeństwo Torunia od końca XIV do początku XVIII wieku [Space and Society of Torun from the End of 14th until the beginning of the 18th Century], Torun 1999
    • Osadnictwo wiejskie województwa pomorskiego od połowy XVI do końca XVII wieku [Rural settlement in Pomeranian Voivodeship from the mid-16th until the End of 17th Century], Torun 1994


    • The Polish Historical Society (president)
    • The Committee on Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences (vice-president)
    • The Polish Heraldic Society
    • The Toruń Society of Arts and Sciences

    Cezary Kuklo


    Social and economic history; historical demography; history of family and women; history of cities in the Early Modern Period and the history of statistics.


    • Rodzina i jej gospodarstwo domowe na ziemiach polskich w geografii europejskich struktur rodzinnych do połowy XX wieku [The family and its household in the Polish lands in the geography of European family structures until the mid-20th century], Białystok 2019 (red., z: P. Guzowskim)
    • The Population of the Holy Cross Parish in Warsaw in the 18th Century, Białystok 2016
    • Studies on family and household in preindustrial Poland, Białystok 2015 (ed., with: P. Guzowski)
    • History of Poland in Numbers, vol. III: Poland in Europe, Warsaw 2014 (with J. Łukasiewicz, C. Leszczyńska)
    • Rodzina, gospodarstwo domowe i pokrewieństwo na ziemiach polskich w perspektywie historycznej – ciągłość czy zmiana? [Family, Household and Kinship on the Polish Lands in Historical Perspective – continuation or change?], Warsaw 2012
    • Demografia Rzeczypospolitej przedrozbiorowej, [Demography of the Pre-Partition Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth], Warsaw 2009
    • Historia Polski w liczbach, t. 1: Państwo. Społeczeństwo, t. 2: Gospodarka [History of Poland in Numbers, vol. 1. State. Society, vol. 2: Economy], ed. A. Jezierski, A. Wyczański, Warsaw 2003-2006, (with A. Wyczański, J. Łukaszewicz, A. Jezierski, C. Leszczyńska)
    • Studies on Demography of Polish Territories in the Past, ,,Polish Population Review’’, vol. 25, 2004 (ed.)
    • Kobieta samotna w społeczeństwie miejskim u schyłku Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej. Studium demograficzno-społeczne [The Single Woman in the Urban Society at the End of the Noble Commonwealth. Demographic-Social Study], Białystok 1998


    • The Committee on Demographic Studies (member of the Board)
    • Head of The Center for the Demography and Economics of Central and Eastern Pre-modern Europe at the University of Bialystok
    • Commission Internationale de Démographie Historique
    • Société de Démographie Historique
    • The Poznań Society of Friends of Science
    • The Learned Society in Białystok

    Tomasz Schramm


    Political history of Poland and Europe in the 19th and 20th century, history of Europe in “long duration”; the First World War – its causes, character and consequences; Polish-French relations during the First World War and the interwar period, in terms of the military and politics; history of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan.


    • Formation et décomposition des États en Europe au 20e siècle. Formation and Disintegration of European States in the 20th Century, Bruxelles 2012 (ed., with A. Fleury, F. Knipping, D. Kovac)
    • 1956. European and Global Perspective, Leipzig 2006 (ed., with C. Fink, F. Hadler)
    • L’Europe au XXe siècle. Éléments pour un bilan, Poznań 2000 (ed.)
    • Historia powszechna. Wiek XX [Universal History. 20th Century], Poznań 1999, 2001, 2008
    • Francuskie misje wojskowe w państwach Europy Środkowej 1919-1938 [French military missions in the Central European Countries 1919-1938], Poznań 1987
    • Historycy francuscy o genezie Wielkiej Wojny [French Historians on Genesis of the Great War], Poznań 1984


    • Member of the Central Committee on Scientific Degrees and Titles
    • The Polish Historical Society (member of the Board)
    • The Poznan Society of Friends of Sciences
    • Association Internationale d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Europe (vice-president)
    • Commission d’Histoire des Relations Internationales

    Bogumiła Kaniewska

    Literary scholar, Polish philologist, translator, professor of humanities. She specializes in the history of literature, contemporary literature and theory of literature.

    She is a chair of the Department of Literature Semiotics of the Institute of Polish Philology at the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań. In the years 2005-2012 she was the deputy director for scientific affairs at the Institute of Polish Philology at AMU, and 2012-2016 – the dean of the Faculty of Polish and Classical Studies at AMU. In the years 2016-2020 she was the vice-rector for student affairs at AMU, and from September 1, 2020 she is the rector of the University. In 2020, she was also elected a president of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities.

    She is the author or co-author of nearly 100 scholarly works – books and articles. Her research focuses on 20th-century literature; she engages in literary criticism too. She is also a translator of English-language prose, particularly children’s prose, which is her great passion. In 1995 she obtained a doctorate, in 2001 – a postdoctoral degree, and in 2015 – the title of professor of humanities.

    Lucyna Błażejczyk-Majka


    Socio-economic history of Central and Eastern Europe; quantitative research in history; multi-dimensional research; economic effectiveness; farming in EU; contemporary sources of information.


    • Concentration and Productivity of Livestock and Mixed Farms in New and Old EU Member States. A Regional Level Approach, “Journal of Central European Agriculture” 16 (1), 2015, s. 159–176 (with R. Kalą)
    • Do Field Crop Farms and Mixed Farms of EU Members Improve Productivity at the Same Rate?, “Journal of Central European Agriculture”, 14 (2), 2013, s. 229–242 (with R. Kalą, K. Maciejewskim)
    • Labour Force as a Factor Improving Efficiency of Agricultural Economic Activity in the EU,  “Studia Historiae Oeconomicae “, 30, 2012, s. 71–91 (with R. Kalą)
    • Competitiveness for Space Between Cereals and Crops, “Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, seria Oeconomia”, 10 (2), 2011, s. 5–17
    • Orientacje egalitarne w 13 krajach Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej [Egalitarian orientations in 13 countries of Central and Eastern Europe], [in:] Społeczeństwa Europy Środkowo- Wschodniej. Projekt EUREQUAL, ed. K. Podemski, Poznań 2011, pp. 293–328 (with P. Pluciński)
    • Ekonometryczna weryfikacja podstaw teorii indukowanego rozwoju w sektorze rolnictwa wybranych krajów UE [Econometric verification of the bases of the theory of the induced development in the agricultural sector of selected EU countries], Poznań 2009 (with R. Kala)



    • Polish Statistical Association
    • Polish Biometric Society

    Marcin Wysocki

    Graduate of Poznań University of Economics and Business and of MBA studies at Poznań University of Economics and Business and Georgia State University in Atlanta. Presently, he is the Chancellor of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, who heads the administration and economy of the University, in particular by planning, organizing and coordinating its administrative, investment, technical and economic activities, as well as by managing the University’s real estate and shaping and implementing the personnel policy in relation to subordinate employees.
    Until 2013, he worked for Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. where, as a director, he managed internal audits in the areas of credit,operational and compliance risk. He holds a number of professional certificates in the field of audit, risk management, control and finances.

    Jan Mazurczak

    President of the board of the Poznan Tourism Organisation (PTO). One of its branches is Poznań Convention Bureau, whose role is to encourage the organisation of conferences and congresses in Poznan and to provide free support to organizers of meetings and conferences. The main goal of PTO is to promote Poznan as an attractive tourist destination, as well as to support the development of the tourist market in the region. PTO enables the cooperation between city administration and authorities and the tourist industry, between cultural institutions and businesses, whose activity is important for the local tourist market. Presently the organization counts 80 members. Before he became the president of PTO, he had worked as a journalist and he understands the need for active cooperation with the media, when it comes to the distribution of information and organizing meetings with the press. He created a hugely successful marketing campaign called Half Price Poznan, which uses discounts and special offers to attract tourists and promote the city. He also invented the Poznan Tourist Barometer – an innovative system for monitoring tourist movement in the city ( Poznan Convention Bureau is successfully encouraging the organization of congresses and conferences in Poznan, e.g. Annual World Dental Congress or 24TH IPSA World Congress of Political Science. Jan Mazurczak won MP Power 2015 in the Convention Bureau category.

    Cezary Mazurek

    The director of the Network Services Division at the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PCSS,, affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences. For over 20 years he has been devoted to the development of scientific IT infrastructure in the Wielkopolska region. He participates in many European and Polish projects, the results of which have practical application to the Polish e-Infrastructure. He is the Vice-President of the board of the Consortium DARIAH-PL, whose objective is to develop Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities. He was responsible for the implementation of many projects, e.g. dLibra, which is the first Polish system for building digital libraries (already implemented in over 100 institutions in Poland); NABÓR, a student admission system for educational institutions; ARM, an advanced speech-to-text conversion system dedicated to the agencies responsible for the homeland security or HIPERMED, a telemedicine platform for remote medical consultation. He is interested in innovative methods of data collection and analysis and its application in the field of medicine. He is the co-founder of the International Consortium of Computing Centers in the USA, Europe and India – ICTBioMed. Presently he is a coordinator for software development in the GÉANT project and a member of GÉANT Programme Planning Committee. He is the author of over 100 publications in post-conference materials and in books published in Poland and abroad.

    Małgorzata Praczyk


    Environmental history; posthumanities; postcolonial studies; memory studies; political history of Europe and the world in the 20th century.


    • Praczyk Małgorzata, Reading Monuments. A Comparative Study of Monuments in Poznań and Strasbourg from the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, trans. Marcin Tereszewski, Berlin: Peter Lang, 2020, pp. 216, fig. 27.
    • Poznań – Strasbourg. Cross-relations in Space and Time, ed. Hanna Grzeszczuk-Brendel, Małgorzata Praczyk, Wydawnictwo Wydziału Historii UAM, Poznań 2022, pp. 140.
    • Praczyk Małgorzata, The Environmental Dimension of Migration. The case of Poland after World War II [in:] Perspectives on Public Policy in Societal-Environmental Crises. What the Future Needs form History, Adam Izdebski, John Haldon, Piotr Filipkowski, Springer 2022, p. 333-342,
    • Praczyk Małgorzata, The Power of Myth. The Imagined Nature of Krakow [in:] An Ecobiography, eds. Adam Izdebski, Rafał Szmytka, University of Pitsbourg Press 2021, p. 161-176. ISBN: 9780822946137
    • Praczyk Małgorzata, Émotions en action. L’histoire comparative du vandalisme et de la destruction des monuments commémoratifs allemands à Strasbourg et Poznań en 1918 et 1919 [in:] Les marques du voisinage. L’Alsace et la Poznanie dans l’ombr des influences germanique, eds. Maciej Forycki, Aagnieszka Jakuboszczak avec la collaboration d’Audrey Kichelewski, Eric Hassler et Patrick Werly, Instytut Historii UAM, Poznań – Strasbourg 2019, s. 115-124.


    • Polish Historical Society
    • European Society for Environmental History

    Anna Chudzińska


    History of Polish political thought in the 19th and 20th century; history of National Democracy until 1939; history of Galicia; history of  The Habsburg Monarchy in the 19th century; didactic of history and civics.


    • Od Dmowskiego do Malsburga. Rzecz o doktoratach honoris causa Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego w latach 1919-1939 [From Dmowski to Malsburg. The Study on Honorary Doctorates of Adam Mickiewicz University in the Years 1919-1939], [in:] Poznań – Szczecin – Wrocław. Trzy uniwersytety, trzy miasta, trzy regiony, ed. W. Łazuga, S. Paczos, Poznań 2010, pp. 149-160


    • Polish Historical Society

    Bernadetta Manyś

    General history and history of Poland in the Early Modern Period, with the focus on the history of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (especially the history of Vilnius and its inhabitants) and history of traditions in the 17th and 18th century.


    • Więzi emocjonalne między małżonkami w testamentach mieszkańców Wilna i jego okolic z lat 1733-1763 [The Emotional Ties Between Spouses in Wills of the Residents of Vilna and Its Surrounding from the Years 1733-1763], [in:] Kobieta i mężczyzna jedna przestrzeń – dwa światy, ed.: A. Chłostak-Sikorska, B. Popiołek, M. Gadocha, Warsaw 2015, pp. 95-106
    • „Wileński świat” Zygmunta Augusta w monografii miasta pióra Józefa Ignacego Kraszewskiego [“Vilna World” of Sigismund Augustus in the Józef Ignacy Kraszewski’s City Monograph], Studia Europaea Gnesnensia, 12, 2015, pp. 275-294
    • Uroczystości rodzinne w Wilnie za Augusta III (1733-1763) [Family Celebrations in Vilna in the August III’s Times (1733-1763)], Poznan 2014.
    • La propagande comme outil du jeu politique. Catherine II et ses pratiques de la propaganda politique en Pologne et en France dans la seconde moitié du XVIIIème siècle, [in:] Jeux et sports de la Renaissance à nos jours, ed. M. Forycki, A. Jakuboszczak, M. Serwański, Poznan 2013 (with K. Napierała)
    • Wjazd na województwo wileńskie Michała Kazimierza Radziwiłła „Rybeńki” jako przykład specyfiki kultury dworów magnackich w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim [Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł’s Accession of the Palatinate of Vilna: An Illustration of the Specificity of Magnate Court Culture in the Great Duchy of Lithuania], [in:] Europejski Wiek Osiemnasty. Uniwersalizm myśli, różnorodność dróg. Studia i materiały, ed. M. Dębowski, A. Grześkowiak-Krwawicz, M. Zwierzykowski, Cracow 2013, pp. 307-321


    • Polish Historical Society (treasurer of the Poznań branch)
    • Polish Society for Eighteenth Century Studies

    Agnieszka Jakuboszczak


    History of women; history of Poland and general history of the 16th-18th century; history of France and Polish-French relations; history of everyday life and traditions; history of Wielkopolska


    • Panny i wdowy – w poszukiwaniu własnej przestrzeni. Losy osiemnastowiecznych szlachcianek z kręgu rodziny Działyńskich [Maidens and Widows – in Search of the Own Space: Fate of 18th Century Nobelwomen from the Circle of the Działyński Family] [in:] Kobieta i mężczyzna. Jedna przestrzeń – dwa światy, ed. B. Popiołek, A. Chłosta-Sikorska, M. Gadocha, Warszawa 2015, pp. 395–405
    • Le cosmopolitisme et la naissance de l’emancipation des femmes? L’exemple des salons polonais du XVIIIe siècle, [in:] Etre Citoyen du monde. Cosmopolitisme et internationalisme: theories – pratiques – combats XVe-XXIe siècles, ed. L. Crips, N. Gabirel, M.-L. Pelus-Kaplan, Paris 2014, pp. 67–80
    • Etre comme une Française: l’exemple des Polonaises durant l’époque moderne [in:] Le rayonnement français en Europe centrale du XVIIe siècle à nos jours, ed. O. Chaline, J. Dumanowski, M. Figeac, Pessac 2009, pp. 259–266
    • Barbara Sanguszkowa (1718–1791) i jej salon towarzyski [Barbara Sanguszko (1718-1791) and Her Society Salon], Poznań 2008


    • Polish Historical Society (member of the board of the Poznan branch)
    • Polish Society for Eighteenth Century Studies