Social and economic history; historical demography; history of family and women; history of cities in the Early Modern Period and the history of statistics.
- Rodzina i jej gospodarstwo domowe na ziemiach polskich w geografii europejskich struktur rodzinnych do połowy XX wieku [The family and its household in the Polish lands in the geography of European family structures until the mid-20th century], Białystok 2019 (red., z: P. Guzowskim)
- The Population of the Holy Cross Parish in Warsaw in the 18th Century, Białystok 2016
- Studies on family and household in preindustrial Poland, Białystok 2015 (ed., with: P. Guzowski)
- History of Poland in Numbers, vol. III: Poland in Europe, Warsaw 2014 (with J. Łukasiewicz, C. Leszczyńska)
- Rodzina, gospodarstwo domowe i pokrewieństwo na ziemiach polskich w perspektywie historycznej – ciągłość czy zmiana? [Family, Household and Kinship on the Polish Lands in Historical Perspective – continuation or change?], Warsaw 2012
- Demografia Rzeczypospolitej przedrozbiorowej, [Demography of the Pre-Partition Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth], Warsaw 2009
- Historia Polski w liczbach, t. 1: Państwo. Społeczeństwo, t. 2: Gospodarka [History of Poland in Numbers, vol. 1. State. Society, vol. 2: Economy], ed. A. Jezierski, A. Wyczański, Warsaw 2003-2006, (with A. Wyczański, J. Łukaszewicz, A. Jezierski, C. Leszczyńska)
- Studies on Demography of Polish Territories in the Past, ,,Polish Population Review’’, vol. 25, 2004 (ed.)
- Kobieta samotna w społeczeństwie miejskim u schyłku Rzeczypospolitej szlacheckiej. Studium demograficzno-społeczne [The Single Woman in the Urban Society at the End of the Noble Commonwealth. Demographic-Social Study], Białystok 1998
- The Committee on Demographic Studies (member of the Board)
- Head of The Center for the Demography and Economics of Central and Eastern Pre-modern Europe at the University of Bialystok
- Commission Internationale de Démographie Historique
- Société de Démographie Historique
- The Poznań Society of Friends of Science
- The Learned Society in Białystok