The XII International Congress of Historical Sciences in Vienna began on 28 August 1965 and concluded on 5 September 1965.

The application of Vienna as the organiser of the Congress was submitted during the General Assembly of the International Committee of Historical Sciences, held in the course of the X International Congress of Historical Sciences in Rome on 11 September 1955. The submission was made by the delegation of Austrian historians headed by Heinrich Fichten and Gotbert Moro. The XII International Congress of Historical Sciences was to be linked with the 600th anniversary of the University of Vienna. The candidacy of Vienna was ultimately approved at the XI International Congress of Historical Sciences in Stockholm in 1960.

The Congress attracted around 2,500 participants from 43 countries. The most numerous were historians from France and the Federal Republic of Germany; no less numerous were delegations from the United Kingdom, the USA, Austria, and the USSR. The Congress was honoured to host historians of such stature as Aleksander Gieysztor (Poland), Erich Zöllner (Austria), Victor-Lucien Tapié (France), and Jacques Droz (France).

The Congress was launched in the Viennese State Opera. The inaugural lecture was delivered by Alphons Lhotsky.

The Congress addressed major questions concerning the methodology of history, general history and history of historiography. Of great interest were panels dedicated to ancient and medieval history. However, one of the principal themes discussed during the Congress was the question of nationalism and internationalism in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The Congress in Vienna was greatly successful thanks to efficient logistics and weight of the questions addressed.



  1. 2500 Wissenschaftler bei Wiener Kongreß, „Volksstimme”, nr 201 (1965)
  2. Die Mitschuld der Reichswehr. Aus den Debatten auf dem XII. Historikerkongreß in Wien, „Volksstimme”, nr 204 (1965)
  3. Geschichte, die noch nicht im Schulbuch steht, „Volksstimme”, nr 206 (1965)
  4. H.S., Rückblick auf den XII. Internationalen Historikerkongreß in Wien: In der Bereitschaft zum Gespräch, „Salzburger Nachrichten”, 7.09.1965
  5. Historikerkongreß ist beendet, „Volksstimme”, nr 207 (1965)
  6. La Pologne au XIIe Congres International des Sciences Historiques a Vienne, Warszawa 1965