

In our rich collection from different parts of the world you can find outstanding treasures of the past, including the obelisk of pharaoh Ramsses II, Egyptian statues and papyri, Sudanese intricate pottery and beads, African petroglyphs, richly furnished graves of Neolithic princesses found in Wielkopolska (Greater Poland), a wealth of Early Medieval silver ornaments, to mention only a few.
In 2017, the Museum celebrated its 160th anniversary! Its beginnings can be traced back to 1857, when the Museum of Polish and Slavic Antiquities was established at the Poznań Society for the Advancement of Arts and Sciences to collect memorabilia related to the oldest history of our nation. Since 1967, the museum has been located in the Górka Palace in Wodna Street.
The Wielkopolska region and Africa are currently the main profiles of our activity. We are also involved in the archaeology of Poznań, initiating and participating in many projects that are vital for studying especially the issues related to the Early Medieval city. Above all, however, we are a museum institution, focused on contact with a wide and demanding audience, promoting the achievements of archaeology and popularizing knowledge about the past. We organize exhibitions and educational events for people of all ages.
Our rich collection is often investigated by archaeologists who are seeking answers to various research questions, and by students, to whom artefacts remain invaluable teaching material. The Museum has its own research archives, a library, a conservation lab, and a photography studio.
The Archaeological Museum in Poznań has already become a part of history, but we, its current staff members, following the example of our predecessors, are shaping its contemporary image and planning for its future. For it remains our desire to serve science and the society, with which we are permanently connected.
We also recommend audio guides in Polish and English.