
The Marshal of the Wielkopolska Region supports the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences

Statement: After almost 90 years, the International Congress of Historical Sciences will come to Poland again. This time the place will be hosted by the capital of our region. On July 13, the Marshal of the Wielkopolska Province, Marek Woźniak, signed a subsidy agreement, thanks to which the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań will receive 100,000. PLN for the organization of the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences.
Poznań will host this event on August 21-27, 2022. The Congress was scheduled to take place in 2020, but due to the pandemic, its date was postponed twice.
The International Congress of Historical Sciences is one of the most important world meetings of historians. The first edition took place in Paris in 1900. The next ones were held every 5 years (with a break during World War I and II). The Congress has been organized by the International Committee of Historical Sciences (CISH – Comite International des Sciences Historiques, since 1926. Poland hosted the VII Congress for the last time in 1933.
Since 1950, post-war congresses have gathered from one thousand to several thousand participants depending on the place of the event. Since 2015, the CISH Prize has been awarded during the Congresses, known as the « historic Nobel Prize ». Such a ceremony will also take place in the Wielkopolska Region.
The previous edition of the Congress was held in Jinan, China in 2015. Poznań was also chosen as the venue for the next meeting. The local government of the Wielkopolska Region also contributed to the success of the Polish application. On February 23, 2015, the Assembly of WW adopted a Resolution supporting the candidacy of Poznań as the host city of the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences in 2020, in which it promised to support the organization of the event with the amount of PLN 100,000. zloty. The next edition of the Congress is planned in Jerusalem.